St. Thomas ranked among Canada's best in student engagement

In 2017, over 130,000 students from 72 Canadian schools participated in the National Survey of Student Engagement, responding to questions about how they spend their time inside and outside the classroom. Maclean’s magazine gathered those results to produce a comprehensive ranking, which sees St. Thomas as the top-ranked New Brunswick university in four categories.


It’s not surprising—our students are involved on campus and in the community, and they consistently take advantage of the opportunities to put their education to work to address the issues that matter to them. Then, as Alumni, they become leaders in their fields, drawing on their experiences in the classroom, clubs and societies, community engagement, and internships.


Among the 72 schools surveyed, senior students ranked STU:

  • third in Reflective and Integrative Learning (how students make connections between their studies, experiences, the wider world, and social issues)
  • fourth in Higher Order Learning (how often coursework emphasizes skills like applying facts, analyzing ideas, forming new ideas)
  • fifth in Learning Strategies
  • in the TOP TEN in the categories of “Supportive Environment” and “Student-faculty Interaction”
  • above all other New Brunswick universities in rating the “entire educational experience.”  
90% of senior students and 87% of first-year students said they would choose STU again if they could start over.

To see the full list of results, click here.
