Publications and Conference Papers

Selected Published Works

Baldwin C and Estey-Burtt B (2012, forthcoming) The ethics of caring.  In, Thomas A and Dening T eds. The Oxford textbook of old age psychiatry, 5th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Baldwin, C. and Hill C. (2012): Hypertext as an expression of the rhizomatic self. In : Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Narrative and hypertext. 23rd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, June 25th - 28th. Association of Computing Machinery. New York: ACM, pp. 23–28. Available online at


Baldwin C (2011) Narrative rhetoric in expert reports:  A case study.  Narrative Works, 1 (2): 3-20.


Baldwin C (2011) Personhood, personalism and dementia: A journey of becoming.  In Jewell A ed Spirituality, personhood and dementia.  London: Jessica Kingsley.


Baldwin C (2010) Narrative, supportive care, and dementia: A preliminary exploration.  In Hughes JC ed Supportive care for the person with dementia.  Maidenhead: OUP.

Baldwin C (2008)  Narrative(,) citizenship and dementia: The personal and the political.  Journal of Aging Studies, 22 (3): 222-228.


Baldwin C (2008) Rhetoric, child protection and the violation of human rights.  British Journal of Community Justice, 6 (1): 35-48.


Baldwin C (2008) Toward a person-centred ethic: Doing right or being good?. In, Downs M and Bowers B (eds) Excellence in dementia care: Principles and practices.  Buckingham: Open University Press.


Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2008)  Ethics and old age psychiatry In, Jacoby J, Dening T and Oppenheimer C eds The Oxford textbook of old age psychiatry, 4th  edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Baldwin C and Capstick A (2007) Tom Kitwood on dementia: A reader and critical commentary.  Buckingham: Open University Press.


Baldwin C (2007) Professional insincerity, identity and the limits of narrative repair.  In, Horrocks C and Robinson D eds Narrative and memory. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield.


Baldwin C (2007) Family carers, ethics and dementia: An empirical study. In Hope T, MacMillan J and Widdershoven G eds Empirical ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Hughes JC and Baldwin C (2006) Ethical issues in dementia care:  Making difficult decisions.  London: Jessica Kingsley. 


Baldwin C (2005) Narrative, ethics and severe mental illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 39 (11-12): 1022-1029.


Baldwin C (2005) Who needs fact when you’ve got narrative? The case of P,C&S vs United Kingdom. International Journal for the Semiotics of the Law, 18 (3-4): 217-241.


Baldwin C (2005) Technology, dementia and ethics: Rethinking the issues. Disability Studies Quarterly, 25 (3). Online.


Baldwin C, Hughes J, Hope T, Jacoby R and Ziebland S (2003) Ethics and dementia: Mapping the literature by bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18 (1): 41-54.


Selected Talks

“Narrative research as a rhetorical enterprise.”  Paper presented at Qualitatives 2012.  St John’s, Newfoundland, June 2012.


“Narrative ethics for narrative care.”  Paper presented at Narrative Matters: Life and narrative.  Paris, France, May 2012.


“Using autoethnography in social work education” (with Carolyn Hill)  Paper presented at Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning.  Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2012.


“Living narratively.”  John McKendy Annual Memorial Lecture in Narrative.  St Thomas University, Fredericton, NB  November 2011.


“Understanding narrative and rhetoric: A neglected social work competency.”  Paper presented to the Narrative Matters conference: Exploring the narrative landscape: Issues, investigations and interventions.  Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 2010.


“Assemblies of guilt: An actor-network analysis of a case of alleged child abuse.”  Paper presented to the British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Glasgow, April 2010.


“A pluralist evaluation of memory services: Perspectives from people with memory problems, their families and memory service staff.”  (with M Downs, J Tasker, M Jubb and M Place)  Paper presented at 19th Alzheimer Europe conference, Brussels, May 2009.


“Gender bias in the conceptualisation and operationalisation of a diagnosis of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.”  Paper to be presented at the Gender and Child Welfare – 3rd Interdisciplinary conference, Cardiff University, April 2009.


“The narrative organisation of an organisational narrative.”  Paper presented at the Narrative, memory and ordinary lives conference, Huddersfield, April 2009.