Publications and Conference Papers


Randall, W., (2015). The Narrative Complexity of Ordinary Life: Tales from the Coffee Shop. Oxford University Press.

Randall, W., Clews, R., & Furlong D. (2015). The Tales that Bind: A Narrative Approach to Living and Helping in Rural Communities. University of Toronto Press.

Randall, W. (2014). The Stories We Are: An Essay on Self-Creation. 2nd ed. University of Toronto Press.

Kenyon, G., Bohlmeijer, E., & Randall, W. (Eds.) (2011). Storying later life: Issues, investigations, and interventions in narrative gerontology. New York: Oxford University Press. (Selected for inclusion in Oxford Scholarship Online)

Randall, W., & McKim, E. (2008). Reading our lives: The poetics of growing old. New York: Oxford University Press. (2nd printing 2009; selected for inclusion in Oxford Scholarship Online)

Randall, W. , & Kenyon, G. (2001). Ordinary wisdom: Biographical aging and the journey of life. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Kenyon, G., & Randall, W. (1997). Restorying our lives: Personal growth through autobiographical reflection. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Randall, W. (1995). The stories we are: An essay on self-creation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press(selected for inclusion in UTP Scholarly Publishing Online)

Journal Articles

Randall, W. (2013). Aging, irony, and wisdom: On the narrative psychology of later life. Theory & Psychology, 23(2). 164-183.

Randall, W. (2012). On composing a good strong story: The advantages of a liberal arts environment for experiencing and exploring the narrative complexity of human life. Journal of General Education, 61(3).

Randall, W. (2012). The importance of being ironic: Narrative openness and personal resilience in later life. The Gerontologist. 53(1). 9-16.

Miller, B., & Randall, W. (2012). Narrative gerontology: A post-modern reading of the latter stage of life: A conversation with William Randall. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 30(4). 85-96.

Randall, W. (2012) Positive aging through reading our lives: On the poetics of growing old. Invited contribution to a special issue on the legacy of Kenneth Gergen. Psychological Studies, 57(2).

Bohlmeijer, E., Westerhof, G., Randall, W., Tromp, T., & Kenyon, G. (2011). Narrative foreclosure in later life: Preliminary considerations for a new sensitizing concept. Journal of Aging Studies.

Randall, W. (2010). The narrative complexity of our past: In praise of memory’s sins. Theory & Psychology, 20(2). 1-23.

Randall. W. (2009). Transcending our stories: A narrative perspective on spirituality in later life.Critical Social Work, 10(1).

Randall, W. (2009). The anthropology of dementia: A narrative perspective. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24(3). 322-4.

Randall, W., & Phoenix, C. (2009). The problem with truth in qualitative interviews: Reflections from a narrative perspective. Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise, 1(2). 125-140.

Randall, W. (2008). Getting my stories straight: A narrativist in quest of congruence. Invited contribution for special issue on “critical gerontology” edited by Ruth Ray and Thomas Cole for Journal of Aging Studies, 22(2). 169-176.

McKim, E., & Randall, W. (2007). From psychology to poetics: Aging as a literary process. Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts, 1. 147-158.

Randall, W. (2007). Narrative and chaos: Acknowledging the novelty of lives-in-time.Interchange, 38(4). 367-389.

Randall, W. (2007). From computer to compost: Rethinking our metaphors for memory. Theory & Psychology, 17(5). 611-633.

Randall, W., Prior, S., & Skarborn, M. (2006). How listeners shape what tellers tell: Patterns of interaction in lifestory interviews and their impact on reminiscence with elderly interviewees.Journal of Aging Studies, 20. 381-396.

Randall, W., & McKim, A. E. (2004). Toward a poetics of aging: The links between literature and life. Narrative Inquiry. 14(2), 235-260.

Randall, W., & Kenyon, G. (2004). Time, story, and wisdom: Emerging themes in narrative gerontology. Canadian Journal on Aging. 23(3), 333-346.

Book Chapters

Randall, W. (2012). Beyond healthy aging: The practice of narrative care in gerontology. In L. English (Ed.), Health and adult learning. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Randall, W. (2012). A time to read: Reflections on narrative openness in later life. In T. Fitzon, S. Linden, K. Liess, & D. Elm (Eds.), Alterszäsuren: Zeit und lebensalter in literatur, theologie, und geschichte (pp. 82-102). Berlin: Walter De Gruyter.

Randall, W. (2011). Memory, metaphor, and meaning: Reading for wisdom in the stories of our lives. In G. Kenyon, E. Bohlmeijer, & W. Randall (Eds.), Storying later life: Issues, investigations, and interventions in narrative gerontology (pp. 20-38). New York: Oxford University Press.

Bohlmeijer, E., Kenyon, G., & Randall, W. (2011). Afterword: Toward a narrative turn in health care. In G. Kenyon, E. Bohlmeijer, & W. Randall (Eds.). Storying later life: Issues, investigations, and interventions in narrative gerontology (pp. 366-380). New York: Oxford University Press.

Randall, W. (2010). Storywork: Autobiographical learning in later life. In C. Clark & M. Rossiter (Eds.), Narrative perspectives on adult education: New directions for adult and continuing education, 126. (pp. 25-36). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Encyclopedia Entries

Kenyon, G., & Randall, W. (2007). Narrative and aging. In J. Birren (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of gerontology (2nd edition). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Randall, W. (2006). Narrative analysis. In R. Schulz (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of aging (4th edition). New York: Springer.

Svensson, T., & Randall, W. (2003). Autobiography. In R. Fernandez-Ballesteros (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of psychological assessment (pp. 120-123). London: Sage.