2021 - Dr. Karen Robert

Department of History
BA (Queens) MA, PhD (University of Michigan)

Dr. Karen Robert is a professor in the Department of History whose work over the past year was essential as the University adapted to remote teaching and learning. She played the lead role in identifying the tools, software, and support that faculty needed to provide remote instruction and worked closely with Information Technology Services to create tutorial materials and curate videos helpful to her colleagues. As the Remote Teaching Coordinator, she worked with the Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Remote Learning and was instrumental in recruiting experts on education technology and instructional design. Throughout the summer and after classes began, she worked tirelessly to assist faculty who faced pedagogical and technological challenges, hosted virtual town halls, drafted FAQs, and held remote teaching office hours. As well as teaching, meeting with students, and fulfilling her duties as the Chair of the Department of History, she collaborated with the Students’ Union to anticipate and resolve issues. Her expertise and dedication were essential in helping faculty meet the educational requirements of students and providing faculty leadership in a time of great uncertainty. Dr. Robert holds a BA from Queen’s and an MA and PhD from the University of Michigan. She previously received the John McKendy Memorial Teaching Award.